An Account that solves every confusions

Random thoughts flow by the brain every day. There’s no structure to it, there’s no continuation to infer some sense out of it. This is an attempt to make some sense of out the random thoughts. Basically, picking a thought and flowing. Disclaimer this account was written when I was sober. I’m always sober by the way. This needed to be clarified as you might question it by the end of this. Starting out when you’re born you seem to be an empty vessel but you’re not. You’re somewhat full by the people that created you. Then the road to making sense starts. The first 16-18 years is just shaping your entire life and what you are going to be but you know nothing about that concept when you’re in that period. So, this phase of life is what I call it unknowingly ignorant phase. When it hits you though you seek answers. You go different places and today there’s so many answers to one question, you forget the question you we’re asking. You get confused, going from answers to answers you begin to question the question. Is the question stupid or is there no answer to it? Is there one answer or is the answer different for everyone? Do I listen to his answer or do I write the answer myself? I can’t say the answers don’t make sense for a given moment. In my journey starting out, Stoicism made a lot of sense. Basically, give a shit about things under your control. This from worrying about everything to something is helpful. Gradually then you realize how little is under my control or should I say how much is out of my control. I would call this random variable and this is God. This result of something you did that could swing either way can be attributed to God. This might be like supposing the value of variable you don’t know using God or should I say we’ll never know. Then this leads to an existentialism because you realize how little of life has any meaning to it. This loop of worrying about everything to worrying about something to realizing the thing that you are worrying about has no meaning to it seems funny. This is me looking at myself as third person and analyzing how I’ve been thinking since I started thinking. It is simply a form of self-reflection to check if you’ve gone crazy or if you’re still there. Or maybe looking as third person is crazy. I do not know. Another question. Add that to the list. Maybe humor is the way which has overlapping concepts to a lot of philosophy. Basically, laughing it off or laughing at yourself. Maybe art is the way to express your answer to everyone and let everyone decide what you really meant. How someone perceives your art is subjective to their experience and that creates different iterations of meanings and the real meaning is lost in the argument of who got it right. Speaking of art, one thought crossed my mind. When we listen to songs we are listening to an artist’s opinion with the music in a background. But in a rhythm of course. Anyways, if anybody read this, you have essentially read 500 words of nonsense and you are more confused than when you started this account. Thank me later.  


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