Being on the internet


About people and their opinions on the internet. Majority of people on the internet we listen to are no different than us. The only difference I see is they are willing to record their opinion and put it online. That’s really it. That takes guts though. That feeling of being judged for your opinion. Unless no one watches your stuff. That’s really sad. But sharing your opinions and getting challenged can be useful. That is useful discourse. That is the way to solving things. Sharing your take on something and discussing it with people. It’s easier today than ever to have a proper discourse. Feedback for your thoughts and opinions from other people is really important in shaping you. It makes you question your opinions. A bit of accountability for your thoughts. That helps. Doesn’t have to be you’re right and you’re wrong. Can just be about changing perception. Looking at things a bit differently. Posting stuff on internet is intriguing though. You’re letting a random person into your head basically. Your thoughts. But that is the price for the impact you could make on people if people listen to you.  


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