The Feeling is weird today


The feeling is weird today. Can’t figure out exactly how I’m feeling. How can you actually define how you feel? Defining how you feel by just a word at a certain instance surely can’t tell the whole picture. Can you actually feel one emotion in isolation? I don’t think so. Feeling sad has hopeful energy to it. Feeling happy for others has a bit of jealousy to it. Feeling sad for others brings gratitude to your own situation. Brain always does this. Comparison. A boon and a curse. Like literally everything and everyone. Everything around. Black and white. 0’s and 1’s. Good and bad. Within one though. Basically, everything and everyone has 0’s and 1’s within them. Sounds so generic but its deep. This has to be accepted intuitively by everyone. Very difficult to do that though. We are wired to accept something as good or bad not good and bad. Looking that way makes things a bit sensible. Little less confusing. The amount of quotes that sounds so generic but when you actually deep it the meaning is so much more. Or they are generic. Maybe I’m just romanticizing it. I don’t know. I know nothing. I’ve just got questions. I’m confused. I know something that I know nothing. Socrates said it. Not me. If I said it, it won’t hit the same. “Sometimes its about who said it that what is being said.” I said it. Seriously. I just made it up. That’s all I have.  


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