
Showing posts from February, 2023

Being on the internet

  About people and their opinions on the internet. Majority of people on the internet we listen to are no different than us. The only difference I see is they are willing to record their opinion and put it online. That’s really it. That takes guts though. That feeling of being judged for your opinion. Unless no one watches your stuff. That’s really sad. But sharing your opinions and getting challenged can be useful. That is useful discourse. That is the way to solving things. Sharing your take on something and discussing it with people. It’s easier today than ever to have a proper discourse. Feedback for your thoughts and opinions from other people is really important in shaping you. It makes you question your opinions. A bit of accountability for your thoughts. That helps. Doesn’t have to be you’re right and you’re wrong. Can just be about changing perception. Looking at things a bit differently. Posting stuff on internet is intriguing though. You’re letting a random person into your

The Feeling is weird today

  The feeling is weird today. Can’t figure out exactly how I’m feeling. How can you actually define how you feel? Defining how you feel by just a word at a certain instance surely can’t tell the whole picture. Can you actually feel one emotion in isolation? I don’t think so. Feeling sad has hopeful energy to it. Feeling happy for others has a bit of jealousy to it. Feeling sad for others brings gratitude to your own situation. Brain always does this. Comparison. A boon and a curse. Like literally everything and everyone. Everything around. Black and white. 0’s and 1’s. Good and bad. Within one though. Basically, everything and everyone has 0’s and 1’s within them. Sounds so generic but its deep. This has to be accepted intuitively by everyone. Very difficult to do that though. We are wired to accept something as good or bad not good and bad. Looking that way makes things a bit sensible. Little less confusing. The amount of quotes that sounds so generic but when you actually deep it the

An Account that solves every confusions

Random thoughts flow by the brain every day. There’s no structure to it, there’s no continuation to infer some sense out of it. This is an attempt to make some sense of out the random thoughts. Basically, picking a thought and flowing. Disclaimer this account was written when I was sober. I’m always sober by the way. This needed to be clarified as you might question it by the end of this. Starting out when you’re born you seem to be an empty vessel but you’re not. You’re somewhat full by the people that created you. Then the road to making sense starts. The first 16-18 years is just shaping your entire life and what you are going to be but you know nothing about that concept when you’re in that period. So, this phase of life is what I call it unknowingly ignorant phase. When it hits you though you seek answers. You go different places and today there’s so many answers to one question, you forget the question you we’re asking. You get confused, going from answers to answers you begin to